Meet Justina from Minnesota. Last month, her beloved miniature pinscher of 14 years passed suddenly, and she searched and searched online for a little girl puppy to try to fill the hole in her heart.
Justina's Soul Mate |
Within a few hours of my appeal to online homeschooling moms who pray for people's prayer requests, Justina was contacting me about Dennis. I knew this was the one.
We were bandying ideas back and forth, feeling each other out, when her Facebook feed turned up a neighbor who wanted one of the puppies, too, so Tim was now spoken for.
It was just a few days later when Justina arrived in Central Texas on a Delta flight to pick up both Dennis and Tim.
A Fabulous Threesome! |
Little could I guess that Justina would bond so much with Tim over night that she talked the neighbor out of keeping him, and has now adopted both puppies into her family's lives.
Cuddling Dennis would put anyone to sleep! |
Don't forget Auntie Bailey, the Rottweiler! Between Tim's looking like old Maddie, and Bailey looking like Uncle Max down here in Texas, these two were fast friends without blinking an eye!
Bailey and Tim cuddling in black-and-tan style! |
So many congratulations to Justina and her crew in Minnesota. She may be starting a trend up there for an appetite for TMTs, so I better start looking for Bonnie's hubby number 2!
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